
Retinal detachment is separation of the inner layers of the retina from the back of the eye ball. It is usually painless, but visual symptoms usually appear before it occurs: Sudden appearance or increase in floaters Flashes of lights Shadow or curtain in front of your vision Sudden decrease in vision Seek immediate medical help […]

Lately, I have been asked frequently about the difference between sight tests and eye exams. This is taken from the British Columbia Association of Optometrist: A number of optical stores offer what are called “sight tests,” using automated machinery. But make no mistake – a sight test is not a proper eye exam, which only […]

Back to school season is in full swing! Whether your child is starting kindergarten, grade 1 or high school, make sure that you put yearly eye exam on your child’s back to school check list. Did you know that… 80% of a child’s learning is based on vision Even a small change in vision can […]

Headache is one the most common pain in the body. Some headaches are caused by vision, but there are other types of headaches with different causes and treatments. The following article, courtesy of Dr. Josephine Lo, explains a few commonly seen types of headaches in her chiropractic practice. Cervicogenic Headache The term “cervicogenic” literally means […]

  Quitting smoking may be one of the best thing you could do for your health. Not only does smoking affect your general health, but also your eye health. The following are some of the conditions that are associated with smoking… Cataract: yellowing and cloudiness of the crystalline lens caused by oxidative toxins found in […]

Facts: Cataract is clouding and yellowing of the crystalline lens in the eye The cloudy lens prevents lights from focusing on the retina causing blurry vision Many people are unaware that they are losing vision as cataracts develop slowly Cataract is one of the most common visual impairment in older people Symptoms: Blurry or dimmed […]